
Summer Bliss & A Feeling of Eclipse

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Yesterday was so perfect, so happy, so summer-ey. Never have I seen a littlie be so independent and outgoing. My daughter is growing so quickly I can help but be emotional. I see her chubby hands and wide eyes and tell myself this isn't real. She isn't already talking to me at one year. She isn't already remembering where things are and places she's been. She isn't singing along with the radio. But it is real. It's very real. It feels like everyday is a little droplet of water. So much happens, but it's so hard to see it until one day you stop and look and notice that theres been a flash flood. I'm flash flooding right now. Overwhelmed. Consumed with Love and Worry. Lost but Found. Needy yet Independent. I feel all things today. It's odd that the joys of yesterday have been eclipsed by the worries and burdens of today.
Pray for us. There are things brewing.
Not so good things.
EDIT: I've realized something...
I am so amazingly BLESSED that these worries of bills and arrangements are terribly insignifigant.


{eleise} said...

ooo your pages are great!

PS. Your daughter is ADORABLE!!! =)

Becky Farley said...

So sweet! :) I can only imagine how much you must just love and worry! so wonderful!

Sara Sophia said...

Okay so, first of all? love love LOVE your new layout. It is perfection.

SECOND, Oh my goodness I adore your journal challenges and pictures of happy doodles dancing in spouts of water!

I am getting you right back in my Google reader as of this minute.

AND pee ess?

There is a wee shout-out to your artistic talent and sweetness on the ol' blog today :)

I loves you,
Sara Sophia