
lovely monday

hello everyone! how was your monday? mine was quite lovely. i think one of the best i've had ever! robin was home (work WILL come in!! and we thank GOD for it!!) and we slept in as late as our little doodle bug would let us. if i were to tell you the hour, you would be super jealous! *ahemtwelveintheafternoonahem* :D she's a sweet little cuddler as long as she has her pacy & you change her diaper when she tells you to & keep her fed. she'll sleep in IF you do all those things. granted she didn't sleep that long, she just let us get in some sleep while she entertained herself in between us. 

then we got all woken up and played with doodle in the bed. she loved that. we cooed and aaahed and laughed. after all that playing we suited up and left for some grocery shopping & errands. she fell cozy & asleep on the way & slept all during our lunch. it was so nice to enjoy lunch without having to keep her entertained or keep her from lunging herself at our food. she woke up while we were on our way to the store. just in time to be cooed over by some grandma who's grandkids lived in texas. i love those little on-lookers, but sometimes they just creep me out. how long can you sit there and stare at a baby? anyways. 

when we got back to the house was when the fun really began. we put up the refrigerated groceries then headed out to the yard to throw the football around. doodle got to get in some quality play time too in her exer-saucer. she loves that little thing. it makes her so happy to hit the buttons & swivel around. robin is trying to condition me in my throwing. we found out i'm pretty decent for a girl, but i throw in a weird way that really hurts my elbow of all places & i can't throw very, very far.  when doodle started getting bored in her exer-saucer, we got her out and strapped her in the stroller for a ride. we started out walking through the woods, but it turned out to be a little too violent in the stroller so we headed back to our drive way then onto the open road. after living her for 7 or 8 months, this was the first time we have ever walked our entire road. it was so nice to see our little neck of the woods close up. we found different kinds of berries, little streams, and puppy friends and other things you just don't see zooming down the road t 60 miles an hour. we clocked our walk at 2.7 miles. it seemed longer than that, but it was such a nice walk. 

it took up the majority of our afternoon walking around and playing around but finally we packed up in the car AGAIN and went to my mama's for some chicken pot pie dinner! 

well, that was my day. :) it was such a nice one, i just had to share it with you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog, it's been nice to come over here and discover yours! Your little girl is so beautiful! I miss the days when mine would sleep for hours...

We get old lady admiration all the time too, I don't mind too much, except when they tell me how cute my *son* is... just because I don't always dress her head-to-toe in pink!