
Hello Decade.

I made a resolution list before the new year.
it says this:
*learn to knit properly
*create more from my imagination
*decorate my home with handmade & vintage goods
*learn fun new recipes for dinner
*start cloth diapering
*be an inspiration
*crochet and FINISH a blanket
*be more giving and kind
*learn to save
*pay off debts
*know God deeper
*write and record an album
*blog more often
*be less envious
& of course;
*loose weight

They are in no particular order. I'm actually surprised I wrote a resolution list, because I've never been fond of them. I will tell you that I've already started working on a couple of these points. For example the last one. We purchase a work out DVD yesterday and started it last night. It's from the Biggest Loser show & let me tell you... it kicked my but last night. I am so sore right now.. but I need and WANT to keep this up. I seriously need to loose weight and sometime this year I want to start getting ready for another little one. (Yes I realize Doodle is still in diapers... I really just want more kids. I've always said 2 was the LIMIT... I've changed my mind. :) )

I took some pictures of BEFORE the work out & in 6 weeks I will take some after and then post them. I was going to post them now, but because I am way to embarrassed to show me in work out pants... I will wait. Maybe the image will improve so much that I will be proud of what I've made my body look like. I hope so. That should be another point on my resolution too... *be proud of myself & what I look like.

Well, what are your resolutions? Did you make a list? Have you started a new work out? Or vowed to learn something new? I'm curious!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I have to say, I have some of the same goals for this year and believe that they are totally attainable!

May your 2010 be blessed. :)