Have you ever realized that you just had a FAVORITE of something, and unless you had that favorite something nothing else compared? Well, that is my case with Lion Brand's Wool Ease Thick & Quick (they could have thought of a simpler title;)...). I've recently made a CRAPton of baby hats. I know more than 12... :D and I am currently hooking another baby hat, but this time using a different yarn. This time I'm using Lion Brand Homespun. It is nice and soft and squishy, but it just doesn't measure up to Thick & Quick for some reason. So.. I've already done 3 rounds and put the hat down because its boring to me. Does this happen to anyone else?! Maybe it's the brown? I don't know.. but I just want to hook with my Thick & Quick. It's so funny, but it makes me irritated. Hopefully I can make it through this hat & get back to the good stuff!
Well, crafty people around the world... I have HUGE news!! Heatherlymade has made it into the RETAIL world!!!! As of today, there are 8, count 'em, EIGHT, baby-toddler-kid hats at Hissy Fits in Griffin, Ga. It's in the Wal-Mart shopping Center in Griffin & they have the CUTEST things there. (Plus, a lot of LOCAL handmade things... like mine!) I am so excited that someone has taken interest in my crochet items and I'm hoping I can drum up some business for myself. I really want my crochet career to take off, but it's seems as if I'm not doing something right. I've only had one sale on Etsy since I've joined. I'm not sure if I don't have enough listings or if I need to promote myself more by joining forums or paying for a spotlight.
Etsy peoples, have you noticed things that help your etsy out? I really need to sell somethings, because we really need that little extra bit. What are your tips and advice? I really need some motivation and input. So, please share. What works? What doesn't? Take a look at my Etsy... what do you like about it? what DON'T you like about it? I really want to improve. (and sell something :) )
lovely monday
p.s. i miss you, granny blanket. i see you over there in the corner eyeing me. i know you feel forgotten.. alas you are not. i'd like to get back to working on you asap. :)
winner winner chicken dinner!
hard times
i swear this time i will.....
plans ruin
Reasons I loved TODAY!
hmm, fridays :)
Hi, there! How is blogger world? Everyone doing okay? I certainly hope so! I am sitting here in this sunny patch in my home, Doodle's room. She's napping sweetly in her crib (trying to get her used to it) while I sit in the rocking chair hooking away, listening to lovely ladies & boys Eisley and soaking up the sun light that filters through these blinds. It really is an awful thing that the sun is on the side of the house that only has one window. At least Doodle's room is a blissful soft lavender color and quite cozy in the floor department.
I really would like to make her decor more cozy. I subscribe to one lovely lady who posts nursery room reviews everyday & I have to say Doodle's room is quite shabby... and not in the cute, good way. There are a lot of half completed ideas in here and things waiting to be hung and toys waiting for home and big things needing a home away from the living room.
Her room is tiny.... all these pictures were taken from the middle of her room & every space on the walls are filled with furniture.. the placement is very hard to make it cutesy.. but intend on doing it! It may takes sometime.. but it will happen.
I would love for Doodle to have a space for the books & toys & little things we will be collecting like this gem I found at thrift store for $1.00