
beautiful cloth diapers

I've been contemplating using cloth diapers for awhile now. Even when I first found out I was preggo I wanted to use them, but everyone kinda talked me out of it. Honestly, they probably won't do well in this household because I'm a lazy bug & I'd forget to put them in the wash. Ha, reguardless, I still want to try them out & formulate my own opinion.

That my dear friends is why I am entering this give away on tout-est-des-roses.

Sara Sophia has reviewed EsBaby, a hand made diapering company. They have some really great & cute cloth diapers & even some re-useable washcloths (not like the kind you're thinking.. like we bathe with all hard and what not. too hard for doodles tush!)
Check out her site http://www.esbaby.net/shop/ 


Venting. Please excuse.

With cuppa in hand, I am sitting in my dark living room typing this blog. There are ominous clouds perched over head here at Autumn Lane and deep dark thunder rolls just on the other side of the mountain. I stepped out on the porch for a moment, and streaks of lightening cracked. Something is brewing outside. 

I also have something brewing. I am going out of town. Just me. Away. To BFF's house. Without Doodle. I feel like a terrible mama, but I need some time to myself. I literally feel my sanity slipping through my hands like grains of sand. I am catching myself getting very angry, very often and very tired mentally. Please, little mama's out there, tell me this is normal and I'm not terrible. And also tell me, that as your little ones grow you learn how to deal with being the sole provider & nourisher. I never realized what it mean to be someone's parent... but already at 4 months of age, I feel the needs she has & am amazed at how much she needs me. Needs my touch. Needs my love. It's an overwhelming feeling realizing how much provision little Doodle needs. From Me. Just me. I wish I could understand it. Understand her cries. I know the pattern of them. But I wish I could understand. I wish he would understand. Understand that I need sleep at night too. That I need someone to hold her in the afternoon when she refuses to be set down. That I need someone to prop me up & uplift me with words. Does he see it? Does he still see me? Me. Who I really am? Or does he only see the surface? The words? The questions I ask? Does he still care? I asked him this. He rolled his eyes and said of course. 

I promised a happy post. I may have lied. I sorry. These are the things that have been plauging me. They are the reason for the brewing of plans. I need a break to re-capture somethings in me. I need to sit at a coffee house & feel like a 22 year old. I need to sit and crochet non-stop till I get a cramp. I need to spend a day with out crying. I need a day to feel like a real person... not just the emotions I've been having. I need to feel like me again. 



a happy update tomorrow. i promise.
unless i forget.
then i mean to.:)


hello. my 3 little people who follow me. how are YOU? honestly. whats going on in your life right now. right this minute? anything you need to vent about? anything? do you mind if i drift into one of those woe is me posts? something is terribly wrong with me. i have everything in the world, yet I feel so stupid, unhappy, alienated. do you ever get that way? I know there is no reason for me to feel these ways. I think it may be the fact that sunlight doesn't shine in my living room. Or that I am home alone with Doodle all day. And when we venture out she screams in the car. Or that when that boy comes home & I can get a break from caring, cleaning, straightening, cooking, and everything else... Doodle doesn't want him. She wants me. Or it could be the fact that I want to do things. I want to go to movies. I want to go to yarn stores. I want to go to tea rooms. I want to go on trips. I want to not feel rushed all the time. I want to sit on the couch in the sunshine with a cup of tea and make cute and fancy little things. I want to feel cute instead of this HEAP that I am. I want to be... cute as the rest of you. I want to be inspired. *SIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH*

enough of that.

i made somethin'. thanks to creativeyarn. her free pattern. not mine. 

see how sweet!

and there's multiple ways to wear it!
It is made from Sugar N Creme 100% yarn & it would be a lovely statement to any wardrobe for some one young or older!
I wore it saturday & got compliments from everyone who saw it!!!


happiness came in the mail

I told the Fed Ex man to come on in today & this is what he brought:
My very own HOTSLING! Courtesy of SaraSophia's blog & give-a-way! I have to say I sqwee'd like a little girl! So far we've used it twice today & I can't wait to go out and about to use it for real. I think it will be a while before I breast feed in it... it's kinda confusing to me. But Doodle is already too big for the cradle position. That little bug is growing so fast and faster. She makes me smile though. She's just so beautiful. :)

Doodle became okay with the sling after a few butt rubs and head scratches. At first she screamed & screamed some more. We had a little bit of a hard time getting her in there. I joked with Robin saying Hotslings should make you take a class before you can buy one of these because they're so tricky... but I need to practice & then I'll get better at it! 


eco-budget friendly cleaning stuff plus HOMEMADE!

sweet smelling savor.
you've smelled it before, right?
it smells like summer on a hot, sunny day. running your hands through the tall tall grass as you carelessly frollic through an open field.
it smells like sweet dreams after a long hard day. sleeping and resting your bones all the way down.
lavender. it's beautiful. and it has amazing antiseptic properties. 
IT has been sitting in my dresser drawer feeling very left out from the day to day functions of this messy household.
NO LONGER! My little blue bottled friend cried! No longer do I feel so left out!
because when you combine these things....

a water bottle, some water & the essential oil you get a lovely smelling, ECO-BUDGET Friendly cleaning solution namely a dust buster! At least thats what I used it for.

I sprayed it on my coffee & end tables and wiped it away with a soft cloth. Afterwards, my wooden tables were free of dust & left smelling lovely! 
Don't have any lavender oil? Pine & Eucalyptus Oil will do just fine!
The great thing about this cleaner... it's all purpose! Every surface in your house can be cleaned with it! Don't waste your dollars on buying the expensive advertised brands... many things in your kitchen cabinets can be used to clean. In fact, those household items are EXACTLY what commercial products are made of.

I'm going to keep posting about the new things I'm trying out. Hopefully, the hubs and I can save some more money by not buying cleaning products. It's a small effort, but an effort none the less. 



It was the Cronicles of Cleaninga.
It was my eco-budget friendly post. 
And it was sans pictures because blogger is being mean.
Now it's late and I'm ready to snuggle Doodle 
and get off the couch.
I've been here all day.
for the craft show.
I'm sad. G'night.


we need more hours in a day...

i have a great post in the works.. whose up for a eco-budget-friendly cleaning solution? mmm? any takers? that a few other little things coming up later for you! :) (cookies, new yarn projects, that type of thing)


the cats out of the bag!

in the beginning, there was crochet in the round. 
and I saw that it was good.

well, my friends I have great news! I finally finished my crochet flowered bag! I'm so very happy to have finally completed it! I started on it just a few days before Doodle was born and once she got here I was completly occupied with giving her sweet kisses and every bit of my attention, as you can imagine. Yet, poor little flowered bag was left in the dark cluttered corners of my craft room. She was bored and unfinished and very upset with me. Until the other day. I began to show her affection again and.........

well, there she is! isn't she a BEAUT!? Well, I believe so!!! 
What a happy bag for dashing around town or to carry stashes of happy yarn or
 even a picnic's lunch! 
She's made of Vanna's Choice Yarn in bright and cheery colors.

so graceful, that bag! and OH, the flowers. 
cannont, simply cannot forget
 the cutest flowers!!

there are four individual flowers on the bag & each is cheery and unique!!!

so, friends.. what do you think? be terribly honest, please!! is it lovely? ugly? just plain crazy? i wanna' know!!

thank you, attic 24, for getting me started on this project, though I messed up and narrowed my bag some how.... it kinda resembles the pattern! ;)

Sew Cute Shop Amy Butler Birdie Sling GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!

Sew Cute Shop Amy Butler Birdie Sling GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
how lovely are her bags!? they make me squee with jealousy!!!


TWO a.m.?!

dear, dear me. 
doodle has been in fits.
now is asleep on my shoulder.
will she make it to the bed?
will she stay asleep?
will i get any sleep?
why didn't i realize she was hungry earlier?
why didn't she eat when i tried to feed her earlier?
oh, dear, dear me.
how exausting this little one can be.

but i still love her more than ice cream & cupcakes. :) always will, matters not what she do. :P

to bed i go.
p.s. i won the hotsling:]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] how awesome is God? as awesome as it gets.



Meadow Pictures, Images and Photos
by hxd

I want to find that place 
the one where I belong

Where I am never left out
and never feel inferior

Where I can be who I truly am
and never wish to be someone else

I want to find that place
the one where every beautiful thing is

Where I am counted in
and always admired

Where I am known 
and desired to be around

I want to find that place
the one I need so much

Where my soul would be lifted
and a frown never found

Where happy thoughts blossom 
and creativity always flows

I want to find that place
that place I will know


times a'wastin

What is you current obsession?
Lol, this is going to sound crazy. Weening Doodle off the nipple guard is my current obsession. I am determined,. :D

What is your weirdest obsession?
i honestly don't know. when ever i see fleas on an animal I HAVE TO get them off. So, maybe thats one? Lol.

Coffee or tea?
Tea, all the way. 3 sugars please :)

What's for dinner?
Homemade Shepherds Pie :D Thanks to me.

What would you eat for your last meal?

What was the last thing you bought?
mascara... that sucks.

What are you listening to right now?
the movie we're watchin & Doodle making grunting noises

What is your favourite ice cream flavour?
cookie dough

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
ha. nat's house.

Which language do you want to learn?
re-learn German & I would like to learn French, Italian & Hebrew. I really would like to learn Hebrew.

What is your favourite colour?

What is your dream job?
Graphic Designer who gets to choose what awesome book covers, album covers & different things

What is your worst habit?
not picking up after myself.

If you had £100 now, what would you spend it on?
bills. the never ending stack of bills

Do you admire anyone's style?
yes. it seems like everyone's but mine.

Describe your personal style?
un-matched, and cute. at least thats what i hope.

What are you going to do after this?
finish watching i love you man

What are your favourite movies?
honestly. there are too many to describe.

What is your favourite fruit?
grapes, apples, strawberries, grapeefruit... all of them 

What inspires you?
Blogs I follow, etsy, craft stores

Your favourite book?
oh so many. i don't actually have a favorite.

Do you collect something?
glass & vases. I have a pretty simple collection of milk glass & colored glass.

What is your favourite smell?
abercrombie fierce. sandalwood. pine. i have many favorite smells.

What are you most proud of?
Having accomplished the things I wanted most in life, but thought I would never have. (being a wife & mommy)

How many times do you press the snooze button before you get up?
Lucky me, I dont have an alarm.

Cats or dogs?
Cats. I love cats. I have 2. If they didn't stink up a litter box so badly I would have more.

What's your biggest fashion mistake?
ha. 1000,00000.00000 bracelets on each arms. although i loved it at the time now looking back... craziness.

Complete the following: Love is...
Doodle's eyes in the morning when she wakes up and smiles. Robin's smile when I 've done something completely unexpected for him. And most importantly, love is Him. 

i NEED this. not want. NEED.

Today is the last day to enter the HOTslings give away on SaraSophia's blog. If you read this today, even if you are a male, please go enter to win & if you win you can give the Hotsling to me ;) tehe. because me and doodle seriously need one. she demands to be held all day long. do you know how hard it is to cook one handed? or do laundry one handed? very hard. very.
here it be;


the little branch

she wishes not to lay on cotton heavens
or sit in purposed places

she wishes only to be grown
in a world without graces

so i will prop you up
my little child

and place you in the vine
where we will abide

and there you can find 
the comfort you desire


another wednesday post

hello blog world. i find myself here on another lovely wednesday night. As I type, hubby is beside me in the bed reading & Doodle is in her pack & play lulling herself to sleep. (We are trying to establish some sort of self-soothing sleep patterns. Last night & tonight have went along pretty good.) We (doodle & I) are also trying to wean from the nipple guard too. So far, we've had a few good experiences with that. There's been a couple of good latch on's & even a few minutes of feeding without getting frustrated. I'm very happy & proud about that too. I really hope it is something we can accomplish. As far as breastfeeding in public, it keeps getting stranger. I've had another trip in Wal*Mart :D To top it off, this weekend while vacationing in Helen, GA I had to break out the milk factory, or piggy banks as my dad calls them, mind you I was walking around outside on a busy Saturday. :D I'm proud of myself.
Hubby & I have been having money issues lately. I'm not working & lately, neither is he. He has a job... but no work has been coming in. I know God will provide for us & I can't wait to see how he will make it all work, but it is hard having faith when everything looks so dim. We are really trying hard though. We probably shouldn't have went to Helen with everyone, but it was a group trip and it was planned a while back. We did get to spend an extra day in Cleveland with some friends of ours. That was wonderful. I miss Natalie & Duck so much and the little time we got to spend together really made my day.
As far as crafty things... nothing new to report. I'm thinking about adding some dyed bags to my Craft Show things to sell. I want to make something people will buy... hopefully that will be it.
Ok, off to bed now & to look up a book!