
Happy Thanksgiving & The Dark Day

image found on weheartit. whoever made it, it's stinkin cute!

'Ello everyone!

Are you ready for Thanksgiving? Are you ready for BLACK Friday!?

Let's all make a promise to NOT eat too much and to pass on the FOURTH helping of Stuffing. Mmkay? Okay. ;)

Can we just pause a minute to talk a bit about BLACK Friday? I've did all my thankfulness and I am so thankful, but I just want to talk about this crazyness... see if you all agree or disagree.

ha, I even made my own silly little graphic!

SO, we here in the US know what BLACK Friday means. I'm not sure if other countries take part in this circus event, but MAN BLACK Friday is NUTS! At least here in Georgia it is. I think entire families go AWOL on one another to get the newest tickle me whatever. If you think Halloween is scary, you better check those costumes at the door, because Granny Do-Gooder is more likely to scare the piss out of you over some $1.99 handtowels in the Wal*Mart isle at 5:00 in the morning! SERIOUSLY! And we wake up EARLY for this HARASSMENT!!

I've only been shopping on Black Friday twice in my short life. I think I lost 10 years of it just because of those days too! Talk about stressful! EVERYWHERE is JAMMED PACKED and people are so ill and mean. You would think saving about $200 would make someone happy, heck no!

The first year Robin and I were married we decided to take part in mayhem. We woke up at 3a.m. to go to Wal*Mart. We knew from a partner on the inside of the W*M crew that there were only going to be THREE LCD T.V's., which is what we were going after. We were the second people in line. We stood in line for three hours. It wasn't so bad. We made friendly with the workers who were there and the people in line with us. We read some magazines, took shifts walking around and talked a great deal about life things.

Around 5-5:30 it was like the gates opened up and SWARMS of people came from nowhere. In just a few minutes there were masses of people behind us in line and I could see other lines forming around the store too. I heard people yelling and cussing that it was 6am already!! Just angry people in general. And no lie, the cops were called. A fight broke out over some electronic device. People were hand cuffed and escorted out!

Are you finding this insane? Is this the Black Friday experince you've had?!

Needless to say, we got our precious 42 inch LCD for $700-ish tv (which is still so lovely and amazing and precious.). We could barely fit it in the car but we got the first one and it was a life experience I'll never forget! But Black Friday is so intense! All the people, all the sales, all the crazyness. Why in the world do we go through with this! We know it's a MADNESS EVENT, the title gives it away, but we just join right in and spend spend spend on things that we really don't need.

I hate to admit it, but this year we are going shopping on BLACK FRIDAY! I think I'm going to wear my combat boots and tribal war paint, because this mama has to get Doodle a Barbie Jeep/ 4wheeler/whatever and a camera. I am scared. And I hate HUGE crowds. But, because I'm a sucker for a great bargin... I'm putting myself through this torture to get $40 off. *SIGH* What kind of sad world we live in.

What do you think about BLACK FRIDAY!? Are you hunting deals? Buying something HUGE!!?

Are you staying in the peace and quiet of your own home, free from the crazies? I want to be you! And I know I could stay home... order online... but when I buy things I like to get it then. I don't like waiting. I'm very impatient. ;)


Elis said...

Oh my gosh...please be careful when you go out tomorrow morning!! People have been seriously injured and even killed on Black Friday due to trampling from crowds and whatnot. D: I think it's very scary and dangerous, and it's the one day of the year I've never actually gone shopping. We just hibernate and wait it out instead!
That said, there are some really good deals on the internet that I may partake of...it's much safer that way and I don't even have to get dressed or stand outside in the cold, lol! ^^

Kristina said...

I've never been shopping on Black Friday, but I want to... just once at least. Unfortunately I have nobody that wants to go with me! So I will wait it out until I have that perfect partner in crime to man the stores, lines, and craziness with me!

Be careful and safe! (And get some good deals!)