i've been working on some things! :D i haven't any pictures as of yet, but I've just made up a few more cute lil coasters & some coffee cup sleeves. Simple, cute & fast. I don't have much time for crocheting... I can barely keep the clothes washed and house clean as it is. Doodle is still on a 2 hour on the dot feeding schedule & as much as I don't mind this keeps us from getting too engrossed in anything we do.
I have TOTALLY overcame my fear of breast feeding in public. This past weekend broke me of it when I left the house without a single bottle on our trip to Atlanta for some thrifting. I breastfed walking through a Goodwill in Sandy Springs & Riverdale. Also, in Griffin Wal-Mart. Just walking around with Doodle latched on. Even an elderly lady approached me in the frozen foods in Wal*Mart. She wanted to see Doodle, but didn't realize I was in the process of feeding her. It was silly & sweet and the little lady told me I was doing a good job, she couldn't even tell. I'm still surprised at how hard it's been to keep going. It seems like every single road block someone could encounter with breast feeding, I've experienced. Just a few weeks ago my supply dropped so fast and so bad it was miserable. I had to skip a whole day of feeding pretty much and do nothing but pump every 2 hours for 20 minutes. But we're back to normal now. I do love it & don't wish to stop anytime soon.
A big group of us got together earlier this week to try our hand at tie dying with acrylic paints. It was so much fun. Doodle now has 3 tie dye onesizes! I can't wait to get in one! I will have to document that.
Speaking of, my camera is sick. :( The screen is busted so you can't see what you are taking a picutre of.. and I Don't have a view finder so... when i take pics i just have to guess at it now. lol. OH well.
Well, lovelys.. it's a good night for me. sweet dreams